Life seldom conforms to expectations; often it veers away from our carefully crafted plans. We don’t get the job we thought we might, someone we love dies, or someone we thought understood us…has completely missed the point.
Life gets “messy.”
The truth is that life is out of our control. And to pretend otherwise is to try to limit and contain something uncontainable. It is to act from fear instead of embracing change, becomings and life.
In everyday experience we often go around with the idea that there is a correct way of doing things, even if the norm that defines correctness and mistake is only an idea in one’s head.
Alternatively, we have the experience of things and people getting in our way when they clash with some pre-established pattern we have imposed upon a given situation.
To take back our power is to lessen the grip on expectations and ask instead: are we continually drawing a world in which we can live, moving with the ebbs and flows of life?
Or do we live in a world that has already been drawn by patterns, expectations, structures?
Do we live in a world or do we ourselves world?
There are many ways we find to diminish the life that flows through us and the universe. We are easily bogged down by the shadows. It is a practice of joy to find ways of thinking and forms of living that don’t diminish us and our power to flow.
For today see if you can relax into the moment and let the universe do the driving leaving you free to flow.
This excerpt from “Spiritual Enlightenment the
Damnedest Thing” beautifully illustrates the process
of flow:”
“Simply put, I don’t think. I don’t make choices or decisions. I don’t weigh possibilities and select one over others. Instead, I observe patterns and move with them… I wait for unfolding. I sense currents and I flow with them.”