
Parousia ( Greek: παρουσία) from ancient
greek «presence», the state of being

At a time when so much of our lives is spent living in the past, anticipating the future or submerged in the liminal realities of digital technologies, Parousia is a call to radical presence and embodiment. To be truly present and live fully in the moment is to live at the edge of creation and embrace the flow of life.

Pvrousia is about honoring the still inner presence within each and every one of us, activating our creative power and becoming the sculptors of our lives.

My Approach

I am a holistic life coach and artist. I take my clients from limiting conditioning to transformational mindset, embodiment and flow. I have a rich background of over a decade of spiritual practice, in-depth training and experience in Reichian breath and body work and as a life coach, as well as thorough training and experience in optimal body-based practices for releasing stress and breaking past rigid conditioning. Beyond this I also have a wide-ranging artistic practice. Through our one-on-one sessions, you gain the tools to liberate yourself from the limits of past conditioning, debilitating fears and unhelpful mindsets, and leave fully empowered and with the tools to live a life of full presence, flow, creativity and a powerful mindset. After our time together you will be equipped to alchemize any situation into adventure and be well on your path of living the most authentic version of yourself.

Life seldom conforms to expectations. In fact, the truth is that life is out of our control. To pretend otherwise is to try to limit and contain something uncontainable. As a life coach, I empower and support my clients to effectively flow with the waves of life and learn to embrace change and exciting becomings in the understanding that herein lies true mastery. Through flow, curiosity and deconditioning, we go from simply living in a world that has already been drawn by patterns, expectations and structures, to ourselves drawing a world in which we «world».

“At this moment” is a rare thing because only sometimes do I step with both feet on the land of the present; usually one foot slides toward the past, the other slides toward the future…

But the most important word in the language has but two letters: is. Is. I am at its core. I still am. I am at the living and soft centre. Still. It sparkles and is elastic.”

― Clarice Lispector, A Breath of Life

You can learn more about my work by visiting me


Talismans, Ritual Objects and Elections

All of my offerings are made very intentionally and are individually handcrafted by me with the highest of standards and using the finest ingredients. Much care goes into planning, design and selection of material and ingredients that will be used in the making of each piece.

In addition, my creations are made using only the most optimal elections for which they are created. This means that they are crafted during precise astrologically auspicious timing and following the standards of traditional astrological magic, that empowers the specific purpose of each talismanic creation.

The talismans, ritual objects and materia created are the result of genuine magical practice, following the highest of standard protocol. These involve prayer. suffumigation, sigils and objects of astrological correspondence, to name a few.