Mercury in Gemini

Mercury in Gemini Journals

“Muse, sing of Hermes, the son of Zeus and Maia, lord of Cyllene and Arcadia rich in flocks, the luck-bringing messenger of the immortals… a son of many shifts, blandly cunning, a robber, a cattle driver, a bringer of dreams, a watcher by night, a thief at the gates, one who was soon to show forth wonderful deeds among the deathless gods.”

The Homeric Hymn to Hermes

Out of all the gods of the Greek Pantheon, Hermes, also known by his Roman name Mercury, is considered the closest to and friend of man. As messenger of the gods, moving swiftly between the realms of the human and divine, he is as near to us as speech and money.

From ancient times Hermes, god of boundaries, communication, eloquence, commerce, travel and liminal spaces, was worshipped in the form of a heap or column of stones which were left at roadsides, especially at the boundaries of land, where people would show their respect by throwing a stone onto the heap. In Greek mythology, crossroads represented a location ‘between the worlds’, where spirits could be contacted, and otherworldly events take place.

In the Homeric Hymn to Hermes, he is shown creating his role as he discovers it. The hymn tells the story of Hermes’ struggle to make the transition from a chthonic entity to an Olympian. His quest involves consorting with all mortals and immortals. As he seizes and even steals his roles, Hermes “makes himself”, as author and scholar Lewis Hyde notes.

And this is key. Hermes is the in-between of existence who not only points to existence’s divine source but as god of commerce and communication acts as the medium through which our knowledge of the human experience is transmitted. Hermes was the basic image of living reality.

These very joints of creation can be worked through communication. The power of creation lies in the word, the thoughts and ideas we have, the stories we tell ourselves and others and the resulting characters we play. As such, the brain is your fiercest ally in creating your reality.

And stories are how the brain makes sense of the world. Most of us identify so closely with the story our brain generates about us that we believe ourselves to be the character that story is about. It’s a functional solution for getting by in the world. Yet this close identification prevents us from seeing that the current story is but one possible story and who we perceive ourselves to be is but one possible or potential self!

This is where Hermes comes in, as the messenger god of communication, the intellect, travel, exchange, the threshold between worlds, Hermes is our guide when we dare to embark on new frontiers and forge new pathways. His archetype is spontaneous and leads us to discovery and synchronicity, where chance happenings lead us to important and unexpected adventures that we find change our lives in very positive ways.

These Mercury in Gemini talismanic journals were intentionally crafted and ritually consecrated for those ready to play with the joints of creation and start to create and live the version of reality best suited to their true goals and dreams.

The election features Mercury in Gemini powerfully located on the midheaven and ruling the first house of the self. The moon was in the 11th in Leo and applying to a trine with Jupiter in the 7th house and sextile Venus in Gemini in the 9th and conjunct the MC. The moon’s connection with both benefics makes these talismans powerful for many uses, such as goals and aspirations, relationships, business dealings, popularity, and more specifically in support of their intended use as manifestation and creativity journals.

At the elected day and time, Mercury was called down to fill the newly wax sealed stamped journals I created with its power and spirit. The resulting magically infused journals open the doors to new ways of thinking, envisioning, creativity, writing, storytelling, powerful insights, manifestation, imagination, creative self-expression, intentional crafting, artistry, deep understanding, invention and reinventing oneself, synchronicity, adventure and transformation. Through working with these journals for manifestation, ideating and creating, one may write (or illustrate) and direct their own life story and fearlessly break past old boundaries whilst creating new worlds.

“The Monkey of the Mind knows that human beings had a hand in articulating the world they inhabit and so knows that human beings can remake it when they need to. To wake that Monkey is to wake the possibility of playing with the joints of creation.”

Lewis Hyde, Trickster Makes This World


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